Hertfordshire Careline, North Hertfordshire District Council’s community alarm service, has launched a partnership with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and Hertfordshire Community Meals to expand its range of independent living services to all Hertfordshire residents.
The partnership aims to help older and vulnerable people across the county benefit from a community alarm or telecare service at a substantially discounted price.
Iain MacBeath, Hertfordshire County Council’s director of health and community services, said: “These services will build upon the many years of experience that Hertfordshire Careline and Hertfordshire Community Meals have of providing high quality, cost effective, services that promote the welfare and independence of residents.”
The partnership will enable members of the public, carers, health or social care professionals from across the county to access a range of subsidised independent living solutions provided by Hertfordshire Careline.
Working in collaboration with Hertfordshire Community Meals, these community alarm and telecare services can be up and running within a matter of a few days – there are no up front costs or need to enter in to a long term contract.
Andrew Godman, NHDC’s head of public protection, said: “Assistive technology can provide much needed reassurance for users and their friends, families, and carers, as they know help is on hand at the press of a button, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
He added: “Hertfordshire Careline currently provides support for around 20,000 people and takes a staggering 1,000 calls a day – at least one third of these are life critical emergencies. A service like Hertfordshire Careline is becoming more and more vital, as people are living longer but often suffer the effects of poor health as they do so.”