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CQC takes action to protect residents at Liverpool dementia care home

CQC takes action to protect residents at Liverpool dementia care home
The Care Quality Commission has put Aaron Lodge Care Home, Liverpool into special measures following concern about the safety of residents. 

Aaron Lodge, a residential dementia care home located close to Liverpool city centre, was found to be at risk of harming residents due to poor systems of communication, under reporting of incidents and a lack of staff.

Following the most recent inspection the CQC said that, due to a lack of improvements since the last inspection in November 2015, the home will remain in special measures. 

The service was told it was still breaching most of the same regulations as it was previously including person centred care, dignity and respect and medicines, hydration and nutrition, governance and staffing. 

In addition inspectors also found the home to be in breach of regulations in relation to the need for consent and safeguarding service users at the most recent inspection.

The inspection also found that the service was not always safe and people were at risk of harm to their health and well-being due to. 

Actions stated as being required in people's care plans were not always followed which put them at further risk of harm.

Inspectors observed people at various times of the day and found the mornings and lunch times were more pressured than other times of the day for staff to meet people's care needs, which hadn’t been factored into the staffing levels. 

As a result people were not being supported to go to the toilet in a timely manner. 

Residents were often left without access to fluids throughout the day and were not supported to eat and drink.

Previous recommendations by the CQC to improve the home’s design hadn’t been put into action.

Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North, said: “People are entitled to services which provide safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care.

“We found that the care provided at Aaron Lodge Care Home fell a long way short of what we expect services to provide, which is why we have intervened to keep people using this service safe.

“Our first instinct is to make sure the service improves, but we must also take action to protect people when we are worried about their safety.”

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