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Newcastle home launches dementia care support group

Carers and families welcomed to new dementia care support group

A Benwell care home is launching a specialist support group for carers and families in the local community who are faced with caring for loved ones with dementia.

Allan Court Care Home, which is based on Benwell Lane and part of Bondcare Shaftesbury, will hold a support group on the last Thursday of each month, which is open to anyone who is affected by dementia care.

The group will offer expert guidance by trained professionals for individuals caring for loved ones with the condition and provide the opportunity for people in the community who are going through similar situations to support and talk to each other, share their stories and advise on best practice.

Diane Tait, daughter of resident Lily Armstrong, said: “My mother Lily was diagnosed with dementia more than seven years ago and there weren’t any support groups like this around then. I think it’s a really good idea, as dealing with a diagnosis can be extremely lonely and it can feel like you have lost your loved one, groups such as this will help the families come to terms with this loss.”

Simeon Mulligan, Home Manager, said: “The pressures and stresses of caring for someone with dementia can be all too much for relatives, so we decided to create this support group.

“For the relatives or carers of a loved one with dementia, knowing that other people are going through the same thing and sharing their ideas and methods of how to cope can be a real strength and help them get through the tough times. Everyone’s welcome, so please get in touch if you would like to attend.”

If you wish to attend, please contact Allan Court Care Home Manager, Simeon Mulligan, on 01912741100 or The group will start at 5pm, lasting for approximately one hour.

Allan Court is a 58 bed purpose-built care home that provides residential and nursing care for older people. The home also specialises in providing palliative care and care for individuals with dementia.

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