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Image credit: Royal Star & Garter - Physiotherapist Gursh goes through Monica’s Physiotec exercises

Royal Star & Garter is using a physiotherapy app to help improve the lives of residents.

The charity has started using Physiotec in its three Homes – in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe – to create bespoke exercise programmes for residents.

Royal Star & Garter provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia. 

Each Home has its own equipped in-house physiotherapy room and physiotherapist, with one-to-one and group sessions taking place. This is on top of other exercise and movement activities run by the Homes’ dedicated Wellbeing Teams, and clubs such as gardening and knitting, which encourage movement and dexterity.

The use of Physiotec allows residents to exercise outside of these settings, in their own space and time, and either with a carer present, or on their own if this is deemed safe by the physio. This boosts wellbeing, helps to maintain or improve physical fitness, and supports rehabilitation.

The physiotherapy app has been successfully trialled at Royal Star & Garter’s Solihull and High Wycombe Homes, and has now been rolled out at Surbiton too.

Residents will be assessed by the Home’s Physiotherapist, who will use Physiotec to create a tailored set of exercises for each person. This is printed out, in large font if necessary, and includes a diagram and written description of the exercise, while digital versions can also be emailed to tech-savvy residents. The Physiotec exercises will also be added to residents’ care plans.

The programme was introduced to the charity by Gursh Lotay, Physiotherapist at Royal Star & Garter in Solihull, who used the exercise software in a previous role. He said: “Physiotec helps me to put together a set of exercises targeted for the individual. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback. It empowers residents because the onus is on them to do the exercises. Their progress is in their own hands.” 

Solihull resident Monica praised Physiotec. She said: “It feels good doing the exercises. I can do them in my room and it's really helped me.”

Royal Star & Garter launched a new Wellbeing Programme earlier this year, which will see a whole-Home approach to providing person-centred care, activities and physiotherapy every day of the year. 

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